How high glycemic index (GI) food induces diabetes & low GI food prevents diabetes? - high glycemic index foods
Recent studies show that consumption of two can lead to many high GI foods, diabetes and diabetes, with low-power food.i IM Details will physiological mechanism of these high GI foods can be controlled induced diabetes and control low GI?
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A high GI foods is a, which strongly increased blood sugar after a meal. The beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin, say, the fat cells to absorb sugar from the blood and store produce. When blood sugar is still high, insulin is still manufactured today. Well, two things seem to go wrong. 1) burn the pancreas, and can no longer produce enough insulin. 2) the cells respond to insulin .. and the intake of sugar. Anyway, this is a positive feedback loop when diabetes begins in. .. Diabetes, that make things worse and harder to reverse.
Such a simple theory would be "at home" your blood sugar levels by preventing sugar spikes only eat low GI foods. It is used with the hope of saving the pancreas crickets.
Another theory is that diabetes is caused by the requirement of many fat cells in abdominal region in particular. The fat cells release a hormone only ... I am not familiar enough to explain the top of the head now ... But the story is that it is important to maintain a good muscle, fat r haveATIO. As we get older, generally less active ... so that muscle mass and losing body fat accumulation ... a bad combination.
Therefore, if the prevention of diabetes is a goal ... recommended for weight control and muscle mass, with a low GI diet.
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